17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Kpds Yarım Cümle Sorusu(Construction workers will go...)

Kpds Yarım Cümle Sorusu

Construction workers will go on strike next Monday ---- .

A) that they negotiated for over five hours and were unable to reach an agreement with the management

B) so long as the only solution for a settlement is an independent enquiry into their working condition

C) because the two sides have done their best to settle their dispute by bargaining

D) in case the workers were asked to compromise and accept a pay rise of 20 %

E) unless the management agrees to accept their claim for a 60 % pay increase

Çözüm: Cevap E

Verilen cümle future tense dir.  A ve D seçenekleri past olduğu için elenir. Anlam bakımından E en uygun seçenek olur.

İnşaat İşçileri Önümüzdeki pazartesi günü greve gidecekler (Construction workers will go on strike next Monday)

Yönetim yüzde 60 lık ücret artışlarını kabul etmezse (unless the management agrees to accept their claim for a 60 % pay increase)

Burada dikkat etmemiz gereken nokta go on strike kelimesidir. 

go on strike: greve gitmek

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