Today more than 100 million people have a breathing problem....
A- that asthma levels are dropping in those born after 1985
B- since exposure to antibiotics while in the womb in generally regarded as a further irritant
C- unless they prefer not to admit it
D- if only the rise the asthma cases has stopped
E- which costs $6 billion a year in the US alone
Çözüm: Çeviri bakımından biraz zor bir soru. tam çevirisini yaparsak;
Today more than 100 million people have a breathing problem which costs $6 billion a year in the US alone.
Sadece ABD'de yıllık 6 milyar dolara mal olan nefes alma problemi günümüzde 100 milyondan fazla insanda vardır.
burada a breathing problem ipucu olarak değerlendirilenbilir. noun ile bitip devamında which geliyor.
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