30 Ağustos 2012 Perşembe

Diyalog Sorusu(Lucy : Is it true that China...)

Lucy : Is it true that China is slightly
larger in area than the US?

Kate : That’s what I’ve read in a booklet
on China.

Lucy : ----.

Kate : A varied topography indeed!
Besides, the Yangtze River is the third-longest
river in the world.

A) The principal mountain ranges are the Tien
Shan, the Kunlun chain, and the Trans-
B) Moreover, from the map one can see that
the greater part of the country is
mountainous, and the Gobi Desert lies in
the North.
C) I understand it has three great river
systems : the Yellow River, the Yangtze
River, and the Pearl River.
D) The earliest recorded human settlements
have been discovered in the Huang Ho
E) As you know, in the southwest is Tibet,
which China annexed in 1950.

Çözüm: Doğru cevap B. Diyalogda Çinin coğrafyası ile ilgili konuşma mevcut. bizim işimize yarayacak ipucu şurada;

Kate : A varied topography indeed!
the Yangtze River is the third-longest
river in the world.

Kate zengin bir coğrafya olduğunu söylüyor ve Besides(ayrıca) diyerek  the Yangtze River  nehrine değiniyor. demek ki bir önceki cümlede Çin ile alakalı bir yerlere değinmiş. B şıkkında bu var.

Durum Sorusu(Your daughter is upset because...)

Your daughter is upset because there is a lot of
unpleasantness going on in her class. She says
that one girl in particular has been telling lies and
trying to manipulate the other girls in the class.
You know that this girl’s parents were recently
divorced, and you think that this may be the
reason for the girl’s behaviour. You want your
daughter to understand this, so you say:

A) Have you thought about the possibility that this
girl is acting this way because she feels insecure
after her parents’ divorce?

B) How would you feel if your father and I were
divorced? Do you think it would change your
behaviour at school?

C) I think you should try to stay away from her for a
while until her behaviour improves.

D) Why isn’t your teacher involved in trying to sort
all of this out?

E) What if I call her mother and talk to her? Would
that help?

Çözüm: Soruda kızınızın arkadaşının yalan söylemesi size anlatmasına değiniyor. Kızınızın arkadaşının anne ve babası boşandığı için böyle davrandığını düşünüyorsunuz. bu paralelde kızınıza bir cevap vereceksiniz. A şıkkında bu cevap var. Bu kızın ailesinin ayrılması nedeniyle kendini güvensiz hissetmesine değiniyor.
B  şıkkının olmamasının sebebi ise sizden söylemenizi istenen cümlede gizli. kızınızın bunu anlamasını istiyorsunuz(you want your daughter to understand this). B şıkkı çok keskin ve okulunu değiştirme muhabbetine giriyor.

29 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba

Diyalog Sorusu(Robert: I have to get my car insurance...)

Robert: I have to get my car insurance renewed today.
James: ----
Robert: In that case let's go and get them done together.
James: Good idea. Let's meet after lunch.

A) My father got mine done last week.
B) Is it overdue?
C) I can't come with you.
D) So do I.
E) Have you really?

Robert: I have to get my car insurance renewed today.
James: ----
Robert: In that case let's go and get them done together.
James: Good idea. Let's meet after lunch.

D) So do I.

Robert arabasının sigortasını yenilemesi gerektiğini söylüyor.(I have to get)
James de onunla aynı görüşte olmalı ki beraber randevulaşıp öğleden sonra gidecekler.
Bu nedenle D şıkkındaki So do I (ben de) doğru cevap.

Paragraf Tamamlama (Some of the best known dinosaurs were terrifying...)

Some of the best known dinosaurs were terrifying. Many were of enormous size. ___. The largest dinosaurs may have grown as long as 45m and weighed 85 tons that such giants would have been more than 10 times as heavy as a full grown elephant.

A. Some dinosaurs towered above and weighed more than any other animal ever to live on land
B. The first dinosaurs appeared on the earth about 230 million years ago
C. Many large dinosaurs were fierce and deadly meat-eaters
D. These animals died out millions of years ago, but they have fascinated people ever since they were first described in the early 1800’s
E. About 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs died out

Çözüm: Doğru cevap A.

Some of the best known dinosaurs were terrifying. Many were of enormous size. ___. The largest dinosaurs may have grown as long as 45m and weighed 85 tons that such giants would have been more than 10 times as heavy as a full grown elephant.

A. Some dinosaurs towered above and weighed more than any other animal ever to live on land.

Paragrafın genelinde dinazorların büyüklüğünden bahsetmektedir. A şıkkında da buna paralel olarak dinazorların çok yüksek boyları ve ağırlıkları olduğunu vurguluyor.

Paragraf Tamamlama (There are, apparently, sufficient raw...)

There are, apparently, sufficient raw the shipbuilding capital of the solar system. Building shuttles and satellites on the moon would allow them to be launched from the low-gravity lunar surface. ----.

A) This would mean that less fuel and thus, less money would be needed

B) The amount and variety of the mineral deposits on the moon have yet to be assessed

C) The potential for solar energy on the moon is unlimited

D) Other companies are particularly interested in the helium deposits on the moon

E) Iron will thus be the first mineral to be mined on the moon


Building shuttles and satellites on the moon would allow them to be launched from the low-gravity lunar surface.This would mean that less fuel and thus, less money would be needed

Ay üzerinde mekik ve uydu yapımı onların düşük yer çekimine sahip olan ay yüzeyinden fırlatılmasına olanak tanır.(Building shuttles and satellites on the moon would allow them to be launched from the low-gravity lunar surface.)

Bu daha az yakıt tüketimi anlamına gelir ve böylelikle daha az paraya ihtiyaç duyulur.(This would mean that less fuel and thus, less money would be needed)

Çeviri Sorusu (Although the British gained control of the Alabama...)

Although the British gained control of the Alabama region in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, they had to cede almost all of the region to the US and Spain after the American Revolution.

A) 1763 Paris Antlaşması’yla Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü İngilizlere geçti; ancak, Amerikan Devri-mi’nden sonra bölgenin tümü Birleşik Devletler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakıldı.

B) İngilizler, 1763 Paris Antlaşması’yla kontrolünü ele geçirdikleri Alabama bölgesinin hakimiyetini, Amerikan Devrimi’nden sonra, Birleşik Devlet-ler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakmak zorunda kaldılar.

C) 1763 Paris Antlaşması’ndan sonra Birleşik Dev-letler ile İspanya’nın hakimiyeti altında olan Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü daha önceden İngilizlerin elindeydi; ancak, bu durum sadece Amerikan Devrimi’ne kadar sürdü.

D) Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü 1763’te imzalanan Paris Antlaşması’yla tümüyle İngilizlere geçmiş-tir; fakat bölgeye Amerikan Devrimi sonrasında Birleşik Devletler ve İspanya hakim olmuştur.

E) İngilizler 1763’te Paris Antlaşması’yla Alabama bölgesinin kontrolünü ele geçirmelerine rağmen, Amerikan Devrimi’nden sonra bölgenin hemen hemen tümünü Birleşik Devletler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakmak zorunda kaldılar.

Çözüm: E seçeneği.

Although the British gained control of the Alabama region in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, they had to cede almost all of the region to the US and Spain after the American Revolution.

Although : rağmen.

cede: devretmek, bırakmak.

they had to cede: devretmek, bırakmak zorunda kalmak.

zaten soruda rağmen anlamında tek cevap E seçeneğidir.

Cümle Tamamlama (Today more than 100 million...)

Today more than 100 million people have a breathing problem....

that asthma levels are dropping in those born after 1985
since exposure to antibiotics while in the womb in generally regarded as a further irritant
unless they prefer not to admit it
if only the rise the asthma cases has stopped
which costs $6 billion a year in the US alone

Çözüm: Çeviri bakımından biraz zor bir soru. tam çevirisini yaparsak;

Today more than 100 million people have a breathing problem which costs $6 billion a year in the US alone.

Sadece ABD'de yıllık 6 milyar dolara mal olan nefes alma problemi günümüzde 100 milyondan fazla insanda vardır.

burada a breathing problem ipucu olarak değerlendirilenbilir. noun ile bitip devamında which geliyor.

Dilbilgisi (By the time people with HIV...)

By the time people with HIV ............ AIDS, the virus ............ their immune systems.
A) develop/has damaged
B) developed/will damage
C) will develop / was damaged
D) had developed / is damaged
E) developing / would have damaged

Çözüm: Zaman uyumuna uyan bir tek A seçeneği vardır. by the time, after, before, as soon as gibi yapılarda zaman uyumu aranmalıdır.

A) develop/has damaged --> zaman uyumu var 
B) developed/will damage --> past - future zaman uyumu yok
C) will develop / was damaged --> future - past zaman uyumu yok
D) had developed / is damaged -->Past perfect - present zaman uyumu yok
E) developing / would have damaged --> would have v3 için if clasue lazım.

28 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Cümle Tamamlama (..., but it no longer sponsors...)

----, but it no longer sponsors terrorism.

A) North Korea had long wanted to reach an agreement with the US

B) North Korea had, until recently, no intention of giving up nuclear weapons
C) The North Koreans and the Japanese have  had talks on a variety of issues
D) Two decades ago, two North Korean agents blew up a South Korean airliner
E) North Korea’s regime may be brutal in all sorts of ways

Çözüm: Kuzey Kore rejimi/yönetimi her anlamda acımasız olabilir, (North Korea’s regime may be brutal in all sorts of ways)

fakat artık terörizmi desteklemiyor (but it no longer sponsors terrorism.)

 Cevap : E.

Cümle Tamamlama (..., so it was a pleasant surprise to find...)

............, so it was a pleasant surprise to find out it was actually quite cheap.
A) Expecting such a nice hotel to cost rather a lot of money
B) The company will be paying for your room and board during the conference
C) Rather than waste a lot of money while staying in the city
D) We'd been told it'd be quite expensive to stay there
E) The meal took only a bit less money than we'd throught it would

Çözüm: D. Önceden orada kalmanın oldukça pahalı olduğu söylenmiş, (We'd been told it'd be quite expensive to stay there)

 bu nedenle oldukça ucuz olduğunu anlamaları kendilerini şaşırtmış. (so it was a pleasant surprise to find out it was actually quite cheap)

27 Ağustos 2012 Pazartesi

Cümle Tamamlama (Having made a small fortune as...)

Having made a small fortune as a guntrade in Abyssinia, .....................
A) Which is known nowadays as Ethiopia
B) Arthur Rimbaud contracted gangrene and returned to France in 1891
C) the myth that Arthur Rimbaud traded in slaves in wholly false
D) where he contracted the gangrene that required his leg to be amputated
E) Arthur Rimbaud's poetry was all written before the age of 20

Doğru Cevap B


having + v3 yapısı after anlamına gelir. arkasında  yeni bir olay gelmelidir. __________
after he (had) made a small fortune as a guntrade in Abyssinia,Arthur Rimbaud contracted gangrene and returned to France in 1891

Cümle Tamamlama (Far more people would have been... )

Far more people would have been drawn to the event ..................

A) the chairperson of which had flown in from Haiti
B) Unless we had handed out a lot more fliers
C) Whose posters were designed by Travieso Hernandez
D) had we simply put more effort into promoting it
E) that the food and drink would run out so early

Çözüm: Type 3 if clause yapısı mevcut. 

Sadece reklam için daha fazla uğraşsaydık (had we simply put more effort into promoting it), çok daha fazla kişi ilgilenirdi.